Where to find us

  • Telephone numbers

    Office telephone numbers

  • Location

    You will find us in:

    • Pol. Ind. Girona, Crta Nacional II, km 706.5,
    • 17457 ,Riudellots de la Selva
    View on Google Maps
  • Opening hours

    • Monday to Friday
    • From 9h to 13h and from 15h to 19h

How to get here

  • From Girona

    N-II direction Barcelona.

    Exit 707 Polingesa (Riudellots industrial estate).

  • From the Airport

    From AP-7, take exit 8 (Aeroport, Riudellots de la Selva, Cassà de la Selva).

  • From Barcelona

    Exit 704 to N-II.

    Take the Poligesa service road, 1.5 km.

Make your enquiry

  • Customer service

  • Storage rooms

  • Parking for motorhomes

  • Spaces for rent

  • Removal service

Write us

If you have any doubts or queries, you can leave us your comment and we will answer you as soon as possible.

  • With the guarantee AESS
  • Are you looking for storage rooms in other provinces? Click here